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Obligatory information according to § 5 TMG.

Köpenicker Chaussee 20-39,
10317 Berlin,

Tax number: 57349104622

Phone: +49 160 115272

Supervisory authority
Finanzamt Berlin Lichtenber

6210365 Berlin

Professional designation: Music producer

EU Dispute Resolution

In accordance with the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (ODR Regulation), we would like to inform you about the Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR platform). Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution platform at The necessary contact information can be found in the imprint above.

However, please note that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability for contents of this website

We constantly develop the content of this website and make every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information. According to the Telemedia Act (TMG) §7 (1), we, as a service provider, are responsible for our own information that we make available for use, in accordance with general laws. However, we cannot assume any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for content provided by third parties. As a service provider within the meaning of §§ 8 to 10, we are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Our obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general laws due to court or official orders remain unaffected even in the event of our non-responsibility in accordance with §§ 8 to 10.

If you notice problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately so that we can remove the illegal content. You can find the contact details in the imprint.

Liability for links on this website

Our website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. We do not assume any liability for linked websites because we had and have no knowledge of illegal activities, and we have not noticed any such illegal activities so far. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such links immediately.

Copyright notice

All content on this website (images, photos, texts, videos) is subject to copyright law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Please ask us before spreading, reproducing, or using the content of this website, such as republishing it on other websites. If necessary, we will legally pursue the unauthorized use of parts of the content on our site.

If you find any content on this website that violates copyright law, please contact us.

Image credits

The images, photos, and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.

The image rights belong to the following photographers and companies:

  Tilman Brejora

Data protection

We have drafted this data protection declaration (Version 08.10.2019-321119956) to explain to you, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, what information we collect, how we use data, and what options you have as a visitor to this website.

Unfortunately, it is in the nature of things that these explanations sound very technical, but we have tried to describe the most important things as simply and clearly as possible in the preparation.

Storage of personal data

Personal data that you transmit to us electronically on this website, such as name, email address, address, or other personal information when submitting a form or commenting on the blog, will be used by us

together with the time and IP address only for the stated purpose, securely stored, and not passed on to third parties.

We only use your personal data for communication with those visitors who expressly request contact and for processing the services and products offered on this website. We do not pass on your personal data without your consent, but we cannot exclude the possibility that this data may be viewed in the event of unlawful behavior.

If you send us personal data by email – apart from this website – we cannot guarantee secure transmission and protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data unencrypted by email.

The legal basis for data processing in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 a DSGVO (lawfulness of processing) is that you give us consent to process the data you have entered. You can revoke this consent at any time – an informal email is sufficient. You can find our contact details in the imprint.

Rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation

According to the provisions of the GDPR, you have the following rights in principle:

  Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR)

  Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten") (Article 17 GDPR)

  Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR)

  Right to notification – obligation to notify in connection with the rectification or erasure of personal data or the restriction of processing (Article 19 GDPR)

  Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)

  Right to object (Article 21 GDPR)

  Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing – including profiling – (Article 22 GDPR)

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or that your data protection rights have otherwise been violated in any way, you can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI).

Evaluation of visitor behavior

In the following data protection declaration, we inform you whether and how we evaluate data of your visit to this website. The evaluation of the collected data is usually anonymous, and we cannot draw any conclusions about your person from your behavior on this website.

To learn more about how to object to the evaluation of visitor data, please see the following data protection declaration.

Newsletter data protection declaration

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will provide the above-mentioned personal data and give us the right to contact you by email. The data stored in the context of the newsletter registration will be used exclusively for our newsletter and will not be passed on.

If you unsubscribe from the newsletter – you will find the link for this at the bottom of each newsletter – we will delete all data that was stored when you subscribed to the newsletter.

Google Fonts Local data protection declaration

We use Google Fonts from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website. We have included the Google fonts locally, i.e., on our web server – not on Google's servers. This means that there is no connection to Google's servers and therefore no data transfer or storage.

What are Google Fonts?

Google Fonts (formerly Google Web Fonts) is an interactive directory of over 800 fonts that Google LLC provides for free use. With Google Fonts, you could use the fonts without uploading them to your own server. However, to prevent any information transfer to the Google server, we have downloaded the fonts to our server. In this way, we act in compliance with data protection regulations and do not send any data to Google Fonts.

Unlike other web fonts, Google allows us unlimited access to all fonts. We can access an unlimited number of fonts and thus optimize our website. For more information about Google Fonts and other questions, please visit

Why do we use Google Fonts on our website?

With Google Fonts, we can use fonts on our own website without having to upload them to our own server. Google Fonts is an important component to maintain the quality of our website. All Google fonts are automatically optimized for the web, which saves data volume and provides a significant advantage, especially for mobile devices. When you visit our site, the low file size ensures fast loading times. Furthermore, Google Fonts are considered secure web fonts. Different image synthesis systems (rendering) in various browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices can lead to errors. Such errors can distort texts or entire web pages visually. Thanks to the fast Content Delivery Network (CDN), there are no cross-platform issues with Google Fonts. Google Fonts supports all popular browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera) and works reliably on most modern mobile operating systems, including Android 2.2+ and iOS 4.2+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod).

Therefore, we use Google Fonts to present our entire online service as beautifully and consistently as possible. According to Art. 6 para. 1 f lit. F GDPR, this represents a "legitimate interest" in the processing of personal data. "Legitimate interest" in this case refers to legal, economic, or ideological interests recognized by the legal system.

Which data is stored by Google?

When you visit our website, the fonts are loaded from a Google server. This external call transmits data to the Google servers. Therefore, Google also recognizes that you or your IP address have visited our website. The Google Fonts API was developed to minimize the collection, storage, and use of end-user data to what is necessary for the efficient delivery of fonts. API stands for "Application Programming Interface" and serves, among other things, as a data transmitter in the software field.

Google Fonts securely stores CSS and font requests with Google and is thus protected. Through the collected usage statistics, Google can determine the popularity of the fonts. Google publishes the results on internal analysis pages, such as Google Analytics. Additionally, Google also uses data from its own web crawler to determine which websites use Google fonts. This data is published in the Google Fonts BigQuery database. BigQuery is a Google web service for companies that need to handle and analyze large amounts of data.

However, it should be noted that with each Google Fonts request, information such as IP address, language settings, browser screen resolution, browser version, and browser name is automatically transmitted to the Google servers. It is not clear whether this data is also stored, as Google does not explicitly communicate this.

How long and where are the data stored?

Google stores requests for CSS assets on their servers for one day, primarily located outside the EU. This allows us to use the fonts through a Google stylesheet. A stylesheet is a template that allows for easy and quick changes to the design or font of a website, for example.

The font files are stored by Google for one year. This is part of Google's efforts to improve the loading time of web pages. When millions of websites refer to the same fonts, they are cached after the first visit and will immediately appear on all other websites visited later. Occasionally, Google updates font files to reduce file size, increase language coverage, and improve design.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

The data that Google stores for one day or one year cannot be easily deleted. The data is automatically transmitted to Google when the page is accessed. To delete this data prematurely, you need to contact Google Support at In this case, you can only prevent data storage by not visiting our website.

Unlike other web fonts, Google allows us unrestricted access to all the fonts. Therefore, we can have unlimited access to a variety of fonts and optimize them for our website. For more information about Google Fonts and other questions, you can visit While Google addresses privacy-related issues there, detailed information about data storage is not included. It is relatively difficult (almost impossible) to obtain precise information about stored data from Google.

You can also read about what data is generally collected by Google and how it is used at
Google Analytics Privacy Policy

We use Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on this website to statistically analyze visitor data. Google Analytics uses targeted cookies for this purpose.

Google Analytics Privacy Policy

We use Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on this website to statistically analyze visitor data. Google Analytics uses targeted cookies.

Cookies from Google Analytics:


       Expiration: 2 years

       Purpose: Distinguishing website visitors

       Example value: GA1.2.1326744211.152321119956


       Expiration: 24 hours

       Purpose: Distinguishing website visitors

       Example value: GA1.2.1687193234.152321119956


       Expiration: 1 minute

       Purpose: Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named _dc_gtm_ <property-id>.

       Example value: 1

For more information on terms of use and privacy, please visit or


In accordance with the GDPR, our goal is to improve our offerings and our website. As we value the privacy of our users, user data is pseudonymized. Data processing is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions of Art. 6 GDPR, para. 1 lit. a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the GDPR.

Disabling data collection by Google Analytics

By using the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js), website visitors can prevent Google Analytics from using their data.

You can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website to Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:

Google Maps Privacy Policy

We use Google Maps from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website. With Google Maps, we can visually display locations and improve our service. By using Google Maps, data is transmitted to Google and stored on Google servers. In the following, we will explain in more detail what Google Maps is, why we use this Google service, what data is stored, and how you can prevent this.

What is Google Maps?

Google Maps is an online mapping service provided by Google Inc. With Google Maps, you can search for precise locations of cities, landmarks, accommodations, or businesses on the Internet, either via a PC or through an app. When businesses are represented on Google My Business, additional information about the company is displayed in addition to the location. To display driving directions, map sections of a location can be embedded into a website using HTML code. Google Maps displays the Earth's surface as a street map or as aerial or satellite images. Thanks to Street View images and high-quality satellite images, very accurate representations are possible.

Why do we use Google Maps on our website?

All our efforts on this site aim to provide you with a useful and meaningful experience. By integrating Google Maps, we can provide you with essential information about various locations. Thanks to Google Maps, you can easily see where our company is located. The directions feature always shows you the best or fastest way to reach us. You can obtain directions for routes by car, public transportation, walking, or biking. Providing Google Maps is part of our customer service.

What data is stored by Google Maps?

In order to fully provide its service, Google Maps needs to collect and store data from you. This includes the entered search terms, your IP address, and latitude/longitude coordinates. If you use the route planning feature, the entered starting address is also stored. However, this data storage occurs on the Google Maps web pages. We can only inform you about it but have no control over it. Since we have integrated Google Maps into our website, Google sets at least one cookie (Name: NID) in your browser. This cookie stores data about your user behavior. Google primarily uses this data to optimize its own services and provide personalized advertising.

The following cookie is set in your browser due to the integration of Google Maps:

- Name: NID
- Expiration: after 6 months
- Usage: NID is used by Google to customize advertisements to your Google searches. With the help of the cookie, Google "remembers" your most frequently entered search queries or your previous interaction with ads. This way, you always receive tailored advertisements. The cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to collect the user's personal settings for advertising purposes.
- Example value: 188=h26c1Ktha7fCQTx8rXgLyATyITJ321119956

Note: We cannot guarantee the completeness of the information regarding the stored data. Changes are possible, especially when it comes to the use of cookies by Google. A separate test page was created to identify the NID cookie, where only Google Maps was integrated.

How long and where are the data stored?

Google's servers are located in data centers worldwide, with most servers being in America. As a result, your data is predominantly stored in the United States. You can read exactly where Google's data centers are located at:

Google distributes the data across various data carriers. This allows for faster access to the data and provides better protection against potential manipulation attempts. Each data center also has specific emergency programs in place. For example, if there are issues with Google's hardware or a natural disaster affects the servers, the data is likely to remain protected.

Google stores some data for a predetermined period of time. For other data, Google only offers the option to delete it manually. Additionally, the company anonymizes certain information (such as advertising data) in server logs by deleting a portion of the IP address and cookie information after 9 or 18 months.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

With the automatic deletion function introduced in 2019 for location and activity data, information related to location tracking and web/app activity is stored for either 3 or 18 months, depending on your choice, and then deleted. Additionally, you can manually delete this data from your Google account's history. If you want to completely prevent location tracking, you need to pause the "Web & App Activity" section in your Google account. Go to "Data & Personalization" and then select the "Activity Controls" option. Here, you can toggle the activities on or off.

In your browser, you can also disable, delete, or manage individual cookies. The process may vary depending on the browser you are using. The following instructions explain how to manage cookies in different browsers:

- Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome.
- Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari.
- Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer.
- Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies.
- Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies.

If you generally don't want cookies, you can configure your browser to notify you whenever a cookie is about to be set. This way, you can decide whether to allow each cookie or not.

Google actively participates in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the secure and correct transfer of personal data. For more information, you can visit To learn more about Google's data processing, it is recommended to review their privacy policy at

Embedded social media elements privacy policy:

We include elements from social media services on our website to display images, videos, and text. When you visit pages containing these elements, data is transferred from your browser to the respective social media service and stored there. We do not have access to this data. The following links will take you to the pages of the respective social media services where you can learn about how they handle your data:

- Instagram Privacy Policy:
- YouTube's privacy policy is covered by Google's privacy policy:
- Facebook Data Policy:
- Twitter Privacy Policy:

Facebook privacy policy:

We use features from Facebook, a social media network operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, on this website. You can read about the features (social plugins) provided by Facebook at By visiting our website, information may be transmitted to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook can associate this data with your personal account. If you do not wish this to happen, please log out of your Facebook account. You can find Facebook's data policy, which describes the information Facebook collects and how they use it, at

Instagram privacy policy:

We have embedded features from Instagram on our website. Instagram is a social media platform provided by Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. Since 2012, Instagram has been a subsidiary of Facebook Inc. and is part of the Facebook products. The embedding of Instagram content on our website is called embedding. This allows us to display content such as buttons, photos, or videos from Instagram directly on our website. When you visit web pages on our website that contain such Instagram functions, data is transmitted, stored, and processed by Instagram. Instagram uses the same systems

and technologies as Facebook. Consequently, your data may be processed across all Facebook companies.

We would like to provide you with a more detailed insight into why Instagram collects data, what data is involved, and how you can largely control the data processing. As Instagram is owned by Facebook Inc., we derive our information from both the Instagram policies and the Facebook data policies.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks worldwide. It combines the advantages of a blog with the advantages of audiovisual platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. You can upload photos and short videos to "Insta" (as many users casually call the platform), edit them with various filters, and share them on other social networks. If you don't want to be active yourself, you can simply follow other interesting users.

What is Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most well-known social media platforms worldwide. It combines the benefits of a blog with the advantages of audiovisual platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. On Instagram, often referred to as "Insta" by many users, you can upload photos and short videos, edit them with various filters, and share them on other social networks. If you prefer not to be active yourself, you can also follow interesting users.

Why do we use Instagram on our website?

Instagram is a social media platform that has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. Naturally, we have responded to this boom as well. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible on our website. Therefore, it is essential for us to provide diverse content. Through embedded Instagram features, we can enrich our content with helpful, entertaining, or exciting content from the Instagram world. As Instagram is a subsidiary of Facebook, the collected data can also be used for personalized advertising on Facebook. This way, our ads reach only people who are genuinely interested in our products or services.

Instagram also uses the collected data for measurement and analysis purposes. We receive aggregated statistics that provide us with more insights into your preferences and interests. It is important to note that these reports do not personally identify you.

What data does Instagram store?

When you encounter one of our pages that have Instagram features (such as Instagram images or plugins) integrated, your browser automatically connects to Instagram's servers. Data is sent to Instagram, stored, and processed, regardless of whether you have an Instagram account or not. This includes information about our website, your computer, purchases made, ads you see, and how you use our offer. Additionally, the date and time of your interaction with Instagram are also stored. If you have an Instagram account or are logged in, Instagram stores significantly more data about you.

Facebook distinguishes between customer data and event data. We assume that this is also the case with Instagram. Customer data includes information such as name, address, phone number, and IP address. It is important to mention that this customer data is only transmitted to Instagram after being "hashed." Hashing means transforming a data record into a string of characters, which allows encrypting the contact information. In addition, the aforementioned "event data" is also transmitted. Event data, as understood by Facebook and consequently by Instagram, refers to data about your user behavior. It is also possible for contact data to be combined with event data. The collected contact data is compared with the data that Instagram already has about you.

The collected data is transmitted to Facebook through small text files (cookies) that are usually set in your browser. Depending on the Instagram features used and whether you have an Instagram account yourself, different amounts of data are stored.

We assume that data processing works the same way on Instagram as it does on Facebook. This means that if you have an Instagram account or have visited, Instagram has at least set a cookie. If that's the case, your browser sends information to Instagram via the cookie as soon as you come into contact with an Instagram feature. These data will be deleted or anonymized at the latest after 90 days (after reconciliation). Although we have thoroughly studied Instagram's data processing, we cannot say exactly which data Instagram collects and stores.

Below, we show you cookies that are set in your browser at a minimum when you click on an Instagram feature (such as a button or an Instagram image). In our test, we assume that you do not have an Instagram account. If you are logged into Instagram, significantly more cookies will be set in your browser.

These cookies were used in our test:

Name: csrftoken
Value: ""
Purpose: This cookie is likely set for security reasons to prevent request forgery. However, we could not find more precise information about it

Expiration: after one year

Name: mid
Value: ""
Purpose: Instagram sets this cookie to optimize its own services and offerings within and outside of Instagram. The cookie assigns a unique user ID.
Expiration: after the session ends

Name: fbsr_321119956124024
Value: no information available
Purpose: This cookie stores the login request for users of the Instagram app.
Expiration: after the session ends

Name: rur
Value: ATN
Purpose: This is an Instagram cookie that ensures the functionality on Instagram.
Expiration: after the session ends

Name: urlgen
Value: "{\"\": 1901}:1iEtYv:Y833k2_UjKvXgYe321119956"
Purpose: This cookie serves Instagram's marketing purposes.
Expiration: after the session ends

Note: We cannot claim completeness here. The cookies set in individual cases depend on the embedded features and your use of Instagram.

How long and where are the data stored?

Instagram shares the information it receives with Facebook companies, external partners, and individuals with whom you connect worldwide. Data processing is carried out in compliance with its own data policy. For security reasons, your data is distributed across Facebook servers worldwide. Most of these servers are located in the United States.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

Thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, portability, rectification, and erasure of your data. You can manage your data in the Instagram settings. If you want to completely delete your data on Instagram, you will need to permanently delete your Instagram account.

Here's how to delete your Instagram account:

First, open the Instagram app. On your profile page, scroll down and click on "Help Center." This will take you to the company's website. On the website, click on "Managing Your Account" and then on "Delete Your Account."

When you delete your account, Instagram will delete posts such as your photos and status updates. However, information shared by other people about you does not belong to your account and will not be deleted.

As mentioned above, Instagram primarily stores your data through cookies. You can manage, disable, or delete these cookies in your browser. The management process may vary slightly depending on your browser. Here, we provide instructions for the major browsers:

Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies to remove data stored by websites on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies

You can also configure your browser to always notify you when a cookie is set. This way, you can decide whether to allow the cookie or not.

Instagram is a subsidiary of Facebook Inc., and Facebook is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. This framework ensures the correct transfer of data between the United States and the European Union. You can learn more about it at We have tried to provide you with the most important information about data processing by Instagram. You can delve deeper into Instagram's data policies at

YouTube Privacy Policy

We have embedded YouTube videos on our website to present interesting videos directly on our site. YouTube is a video portal that has been a subsidiary of Google LLC since 2006. The video portal is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you visit a page on our website that has an embedded YouTube video, your browser automatically connects to YouTube's servers. Various data is transferred (depending on the settings). Google is responsible for the entire data processing, and therefore, Google's privacy policy applies.

In the following, we will explain in more detail what data is processed, why we have embedded YouTube videos, and how you can manage or delete your data.


What is YouTube?

YouTube allows users to watch, rate, comment on, and upload videos for free. Over the years, YouTube has become one of the most important social media channels worldwide. To display videos on our website, YouTube provides a code snippet that we have embedded on our site.

Why do we use YouTube videos on our website?

YouTube is the video platform with the most visitors and the best content. We strive to provide you with the best possible user experience on our website, and interesting videos are an integral part of that. Through our embedded videos, we provide you with additional helpful content alongside our texts and images. Additionally, embedding videos helps our website be more easily found on the Google search engine. Even when we run Google Ads advertisements, Google can show these ads only to people interested in our offers, thanks to the collected data.


What data is stored by YouTube?

When you visit one of our pages that has an embedded YouTube video, YouTube sets at least one cookie that stores your IP address and our URL. If you are logged into your YouTube account, YouTube can associate your interactions on our website with your profile using cookies. This includes data such as session duration, bounce rate, approximate location, technical information like browser type, screen resolution, or your internet service provider. Other data may include contact details, ratings, sharing content via social media, or adding to your favorites on YouTube.

If you are not logged into a Google or YouTube account, Google stores data with a unique identifier linked to your device, browser, or app. For example, your preferred language setting is retained. However, many interaction data cannot be stored because fewer cookies are set.

In the following list, we show cookies set in a browser test. We display cookies set both without a logged-in YouTube account and with a logged-in account. The list is not exhaustive as user data always depends on interactions on YouTube.

Name: YSC Purpose: This cookie registers a unique ID to store statistics of the videos viewed. Expiration: after the session ends Example value: b9-CV6ojI5Y

Name: PREF Purpose: This cookie also registers your unique ID. PREF provides Google with statistics on how you use YouTube videos on our website. Expiration: after 8 months Example value: f1=50000000

Name: GPS Purpose: This cookie registers your unique ID on mobile devices to track GPS location. Expiration: after 30 minutes Example value: 1

Name: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Purpose: This cookie attempts to estimate the user's bandwidth on our websites (with embedded YouTube videos). Expiration: after 8 months Example value: 95Chz8bagyU

Additional cookies set when you are logged into your YouTube account:

Name: APISID Purpose: This cookie is used to create a profile of your interests. The data is used for personalized advertisements. Expiration: after 2 years Example value: zILlvClZSkqGsSwI/AU1aZI6HY7321119956

Name: CONSENT Purpose: The cookie stores the status of a user's consent to the use of various Google services. CONSENT also serves security purposes to verify users and protect user data from unauthorized attacks. Expiration: after 19 years Example value:

Name: HSID Purpose: This cookie is used to create a profile of your interests. The data helps display personalized advertising. Expiration: after 2 years Example value: AcRwpgUik9Dveht0I

Name: LOGIN_INFO Purpose: This cookie stores information about your login data. Expiration: after 2 years Example value: AFmmF2swRQIhALl6aL...

Name: SAPISID Purpose: This cookie uniquely identifies your browser and device. It is used to create a profile of your interests. Expiration: after 2 years Example value: 7oaPxoG-pZsJuuF5/AnUdDUIsJ9iJz2vdM

Name: SID Purpose: This cookie stores your Google account ID and the last time you logged in, in digitally signed and encrypted form. Expiration: after 2 years Example value: oQfNKjAsI321119956

Name: SIDCC Purpose: This cookie stores information about how you use the website and the advertisements you may have seen before visiting our site. Expiration: after 3 months Example value: AN0-TYuqub2JOcDTyL

How long and where are the data stored?

The data that YouTube receives and processes from you are stored on Google servers. Most of these servers are located in America. You can see exactly where the Google data centers are located at Your data is distributed across these servers, making it faster to retrieve and better protected against manipulation.

Google stores the collected data for different durations. Some data can be deleted at any time, while others are automatically deleted after a limited period, and some are stored by Google for a longer time. Some data, such as items from "My Activity," photos, documents, and products stored in your Google account, remain stored until you delete them. Even if you are not signed in to a Google account, you can delete some data associated with your device, browser, or app.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

In general, you can manually delete data in your Google account. With the automatic deletion feature introduced in 2019 for location and activity data, information is stored for either 3 or 18 months, depending on your choice, and then deleted.

Regardless of whether you have a Google account or not, you can configure your browser to delete or disable cookies from Google. The process may vary depending on the browser you use. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: Delete, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome.
Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari.
Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer.
Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies.
Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies.

If you don't want any cookies at all, you can configure your browser to always notify you when a cookie is set. This way, you can decide whether to allow or block each individual cookie. Since YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, they share a common privacy policy. If you want to learn more about how your data is handled, we recommend reviewing the privacy policy at

SoundCloud Privacy Policy

We use features of the SoundCloud social media network on our website, operated by SoundCloud Limited, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany.
By using SoundCloud features such as playing music, data (IP address, browser information, date and time, cookies) is transmitted, stored, and evaluated by SoundCloud.
If you have a SoundCloud account and are logged in, this data will be associated with your personal account and the data stored therein.
You can find SoundCloud's privacy policies, including information on the data they collect and how they use it, at

Facebook Pixel Privacy Policy

We use the Facebook Pixel from Facebook, a social media network operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland, on this website.

The code implemented on this page can analyze the behavior of visitors who have come to this website through Facebook advertising. This information can be used to improve Facebook advertisements, and the data is collected and stored by Facebook. The collected data is not visible to us but can only be used within the scope of advertising campaigns. Cookies are also set through the use of the Facebook Pixel code.

By using the Facebook Pixel, the visit to this website is communicated to Facebook so that visitors can see relevant ads on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account and are logged in, the visit to this website will be associated with your Facebook user account.

You can learn how the Facebook Pixel is used for advertising campaigns at

If you are logged in to Facebook, you can modify your ad preferences at You can manage your preferences for interest-based online advertising at There, you can deactivate or activate many providers at once or make settings for individual providers.

For more information on Facebook's data policy, please visit


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